Welcome to the Hobbs Family Blog.

Hope you enjoy looking at pictures of our family.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had a blast this year. The kids are to the age that it's fun, exciting, and we were like the Energizer Bunny. We kept going, and going, and going. Here are some of the pictures of us making cookies, our costumes, and the candy that the kids got. Yes, they made out like bandits again (spoiled, I know!!). Kaylene and I even got in the mode to celebrate (If you can't read my sign it says "Will Not work for food").
We started off the day going to the Lynnwood Shopping plaza in which they had the kids trick or treating. We then went downtown which was a joke because by the time we got there, the business were posting signs that they had run out of candy. So we went to Walmart and trick-or-treated there. The kids had a blast and all got a cupcake at the end. We then went to the widow neighbors and they gave the kids candy by the hand fulls. Then we went to the Trunk-or-Treat at the church. We had dinner.
AS IF that wasn't enough, the kids wanted to go around the neighborhood. Trenton was so cute. He was slower than the other three children and as we were going, I would say, "Come on buddy." Trenton would respond, "I'm coming. I'm coming." I was very cute. The good thing is that we wore the kids out. YEAH. Good thing we have an extra hour of sleep tonight. I'm gonna need it. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we did. Happy Halloween.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Washington DC Trip

I hope you enjoy the pictures of DC. I walked so much, I got a blister on both feet. It was a lot of fun though. I got a lot of pictures of monuments. I took a lot of pictures of the Pentagon Memorial.

Jared's Birthday Party

Jared was a little shy this year. We only got a couple of pictures. Here's his most favorite toy he got for his birthday. Trenton also wanted his picture taken.

End of Harvest

Here's the last of the harvest pictures. Yes those things on the plates are carrots.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Harvest Time 2

We are in the process of making salsa. I went out and picked some peppers out of the garden and ran on to some that I thought were perfect. You know, the kind you buy in the store. Here are a couple of pictures. The children are cute, aren't they.

Harvest Time

Here's an ear of corn we got out of our garden. It was 19 inches in length with the husk still on. It was 9 inches around. It was very good eating. Yum.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Garden 2009

We have had a lot of people asking how our garden is this year. Well, you can now see our garden grow. Hope you enjoy.

Trenton's 2nd Birthday

Thursday, May 28, 2009


We added a new addition to our family. It's a girl. Kaylene begged me for a puppy and I gave in. Here she is. Hope you enjoy. It is a golden retriever. She is almost potty trained already. She is doing well if we can just get her to sleep at night.

Easter at the Hobbs' House

The easter bunny suprised us this year and left stuff all over the yard. The kids made light work of it and got it all picked up in about 10 minutes. I wish they would help like that all the time. :)